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UAE Ads during ramadan

The Spirit of Ramadan Takes Flight: A Look at UAE Ads During Ramadan 2024

As the crescent moon signals the beginning of Ramadan, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) transforms into a vibrant tapestry of faith, generosity, and togetherness. This holy month inspires not only acts of devotion but also creative marketing campaigns that capture the essence of Ramadan in the UAE. Here, we delve into the details and insights behind some of the most prominent Ramadan ads from leading UAE brands:

1. Connecting Through Technology: Du and Etisalat

Telecommunication giants Du and Etisalat understand the importance of staying connected during Ramadan. Their ads often showcase families and friends using their services in heartwarming and relatable ways:

  • Du: In a 2023 campaign titled “Ramadan Togetherness Despite Distance,” Du featured a young Emirati woman video calling her parents who live abroad. As they virtually share the Iftar meal, the commercial highlights the emotional significance of connection even when physically apart. Du’s ad emphasizes their high-quality video call technology that bridges the gap and fosters a sense of closeness during Ramadan.
  • Etisalat: Etisalat‘s 2022 Ramadan campaign, “Ramadan Kareem: Spreading Blessings,” showcased the role of technology in facilitating acts of charity. The ad depicted a young man using the Etisalat app to donate to a local food bank. The commercial then transitioned to scenes of families receiving and preparing the donated food for Iftar, showcasing the power of technology to connect generosity with those in need. Etisalat positioned itself as an enabler of good deeds during Ramadan.

2. Flavorful Traditions: Maggi

Food is central to the Ramadan experience, and Maggi, a household name for convenient and delicious food solutions, capitalizes on this theme in its ads with a focus on family and togetherness:

  • Maggi Ads (2024): A recent Maggi commercial features a multigenerational Emirati family preparing a traditional “Harees” dish (a savory porridge) for Iftar. The ad showcases the ease and versatility of Maggi products, particularly their pre-cooked lentils and spices, in creating a delicious and authentic meal. Laughter and warm conversations fill the kitchen as different generations come together to cook, emphasizing the joy of shared experiences during Ramadan.
  • Maggi Social Media Campaign (2023): In 2023, Maggi launched a social media campaign titled “Maggi’s Ramadan Recipes.” The campaign featured popular Emirati food bloggers and chefs creating traditional and innovative Ramadan dishes using Maggi products. Viewers were encouraged to share their own Ramadan recipe creations using a dedicated hashtag, Fostering a sense of community and engagement around Maggi as a trusted partner in Ramadan cooking.

3. The Journey of Faith: Emirates Airline

Emirates Airline, known for connecting people across the globe, uses Ramadan to portray the universality of faith and the importance of family in a visually captivating way:

  • Emirates Airline Ad (2024): This year’s campaign, titled “The Journey of Faith”, features a montage of individuals from diverse backgrounds traveling on Emirates Airline to be with loved ones for Ramadan. The ad showcases the airline’s commitment to providing a seamless and comfortable travel experience for those observing the fast. Heartfelt reunions at arrival gates and families breaking their fast together paint a picture of the unifying power of faith and family during Ramadan.
  • Emirates Airline Social Responsibility (2023): Building on their commitment to the spirit of Ramadan, Emirates Airline partnered with a local charity in 2023 to provide Iftar meals for underprivileged families. A video showcasing the airline’s employees volunteering to distribute these meals was shared on social media, highlighting their dedication to giving back to the community during the holy month.

4. Stocking Up for the Holy Month: Danube

Danube, a leading grocery chain in the UAE, understands the importance of convenience and affordability during Ramadan. Their ads offer a practical solution for busy families preparing for the holy month:

  • Danube Ramadan Ad (2024): A bustling Danube supermarket forms the backdrop for a commercial showcasing families efficiently shopping for essential Ramadan supplies. The ad highlights Danube’s well-stocked shelves with a wide variety of food options, including dates, dried fruits, and traditional Ramadan ingredients. Special offers and discounts on select items are prominently displayed, emphasizing Danube’s commitment to making Ramadan shopping affordable for everyone.
  • Danube’s Ramadan Recipe Hub: In addition to in-store promotions, Danube launched a Ramadan Recipe Hub on their website in 2023. This online platform features a collection of traditional and easy-to-prepare Ramadan recipes, along with ingredient lists that can be directly added to a Danube online shopping cart. This innovative campaign offered a convenient solution for families

Beyond the Ads: Additional Insights on Ramadan Marketing in the UAE

  • Emotional Storytelling: Evoking emotions like nostalgia, joy, and togetherness is a powerful tool in Ramadan ads.
  • Celebrity Endorsements: Popular Emirati or Arabic celebrities can add a touch of familiarity and influence to campaigns.
  • Social Media Integration: Many brands encourage online interaction by launching contests or asking viewers to share their Ramadan experiences.

By understanding these themes and strategies, brands in the UAE can create compelling Ramadan ads that resonate with the local audience and capture the spirit of the holy month.

Create Your Next Ramadan Campaign With Chapters Digital Solutions 

Are you looking to develop your own Ramadan marketing campaign? Chapters Digital Solutions can help! We are a leading Digital marketing agency in Egypt with extensive experience in creating content and strategies that connect with audiences across the Middle East. Let’s discuss how we can help you craft a powerful Ramadan campaign that delivers results.
