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The impact of voice search results on digital marketing; strategies to achieve high rankings.

The impact of voice search results on digital marketing; strategies to achieve high rankings.

Voice search is expected to have a significant impact on digital marketing in the coming years. With more than one billion voice searches happening each month, businesses and agencies can’t overlook voice search. 

Voice search will introduce the biggest changes to digital marketing, from promoting semantic search to maximizing AI data. It will build the value of local SEO and heavily influence local search results. Voice search is expected to increase the importance of long-tail keywords and natural language queries in search engine optimization (SEO). 

Marketers must optimize their content to rank well in voice search results. Marketers should also optimize their websites or mobile apps as a good user experience can increase users’ likelihood of performing a desired action, such as purchasing a product. 

Voice search ranking isn’t simple. Voice-enabled devices usually show only the top three results. To rank there, you need excellent content and voice SEO. Let’s explore how to do this.

What’s voice search optimization?

It’s a way to adjust your content for voice search results. The aim is to answer common voice questions, making your page visible in voice search outcomes.

How is voice search different from text search?

If you work with websites or marketing, you likely know about SEO for better search rankings. You might wonder why voice search needs its own type of optimization.

Voice searches are more like conversations, unlike text searches on For instance, in a voice search, you might say, “What are some good spas near me?” In a text search, it’s more like “spa near me.”

As voice search became common, search engines got better at understanding longer, more conversational questions. Updates like Google’s Hummingbird and BERT focused on understanding the real meaning behind queries, not just specific words. They aimed to offer better results for conversational voice queries.

Now, it’s up to you to create content that suits voice search users. Luckily, you don’t need to change your SEO strategy entirely. The next section will cover some ways to help you capture voice search traffic.

Voice Search Optimization Best Practices

To optimize your content for voice search, consider implementing the following strategies:

1. Target long-tail keywords: Focus on long-tail keywords, especially question keywords, to capture voice search traffic. These queries are longer and more specific, making them more relevant to voice search users.

2. Use conversational language: Write in a natural and conversational manner to match the phrasing of voice search queries. This will help increase the chances of your content being recognized and ranked higher in voice search results.

3. Prioritize local SEO: Optimize your website for local search results, as voice search users often seek information relevant to their current location.

4. Capture featured snippets: Work on creating content that answers common questions and provides concise, informative answers. This will help your content stand out in voice search results and increase the likelihood of being featured in a snippet.

5. Use schema markup: Implement schema markup to help search engines better understand your content and improve its visibility in voice search results.

6. Optimize for mobile: Ensure your website is mobile-friendly and loads quickly, as voice search users often access information through mobile devices.

7. Create compelling persona-based content: Develop content that addresses the needs and pain points of your target audience. This will help your content rank higher in voice search results and attract more relevant users.

8. Build an FAQ section: Create an FAQ section on your website to answer common questions about your products or services, making it easier for voice search users to find the information they need.

9. Go multilingual: If your target audience includes users who speak different languages, consider creating content in multiple languages to improve your visibility in voice search results.

10. Claim your Google Business Profile: Verify and claim your Google Business Profile to improve your local SEO and increase the chances of appearing in voice search results.

11. Engage with users on social media: Encourage social media engagement by responding to comments, sharing relevant content, and interacting with your audience. This can help improve your voice search visibility and drive more traffic to your website.

How to Use natural language in your writing?

Voice searches are like regular conversations. So, your content should sound more like how people talk. This makes it feel real and easier to understand. Being less formal also makes your content seem more related to voice queries.

Make your content more conversational by using words like “I,” “me,” “you,” or “we” in your blogs. Avoid using complex words or too much technical stuff. Adding humor can also make your points clearer. If you have a particular way of writing for your brand, make it more casual.

But, don’t compromise quality. Keep your content top-notch even with a casual tone. Google still values good content—just make it sound almost like you’re speaking it out loud.

To research conversational keywords for voice search, consider the following steps:

1. Analyze past campaigns: Review your current and past campaigns with a voice search analytics lens to identify keywords that may have originated from voice searches.

2. Examine competitors’ keywords: Use tools like Wordtracker’s Scout app to analyze your competitors’ keywords and identify potential conversational keywords.

3. Use keyword research tools: Utilize tools like Google’s Associated Queries tool, Keyword Magic Tool, and SEMrush to generate lists of long-tail and question keywords related to your business.

4. Study “People also ask” features: Use Google’s “People also ask” feature to find commonly asked questions and queries related to your business or industry.

5. Analyze voice search analytics: Review the performance of your identified keywords and decide whether they are helping you capture relevant users. Repeat the process until you have a list of effective keywords.

6. Focus on local searches: Include “near me” and other local searches in your keyword list to optimize for local voice searches.

7. Use conversational language: Target question-based, long-tail keywords that include queries starting with “who,” “what,” “when,” “where,” “why,” and “how”.

answer the public

8. Ask customers for feedback: Conduct interviews with your customers to understand their pain points and issues, which can help you identify relevant conversational keywords.

By following these steps, you can effectively research conversational keywords for voice search and optimize your content to rank higher in voice search results.

In an era where conversations drive connections, optimizing for voice search isn’t just about ranking, it’s about resonating with your audience. 

Let your brand’s voice be heard effortlessly in every query. Ready to leap into the future of search? Let’s refine your digital presence, driving meaningful engagement and conversions. Elevate your strategy and make your brand speak volumes in the world of voice search. Partner with Chapters Digital solutions and transform the way your audience discovers and connects with your business. Together, let’s make every search a conversation worth having.
