Chrome’s Upcoming Transformation: Saying Goodbye to Third-Party Cookies!
Cookies are more than just sweet treats; they’re also bits of data stored on your computer when you visit websites. While most help enhances your browsing, there’s a particular kind raising concerns – third-party cookies. These little trackers, especially in advertising, are now under the privacy microscope.
Google’s eyeing a future where browsing is both secure and seamless. With this change, they’re gearing up for a web that values your privacy while ensuring an enjoyable browsing journey for all. Let’s embark on this exciting journey towards a new era of browsing on Chrome!
What Are Third-Party Cookies?
Cookies are like tiny bits of information that websites save on your computer when you visit them. Some cookies, called “third-party cookies,” are causing concerns, especially when it comes to your data.
Third-party cookies are used by advertisers to track what you do online. Have you ever seen an ad that seems to know exactly what you’ve been looking at on the internet? That’s because of these cookies. They follow your online activities and then use that info to show you ads they think you might be interested in. This personalized advertising can be effective, but some people worry about their privacy.
Understanding Third-Party Cookies
When you visit a website, it might leave behind two types of cookies. The first type, called “first-party cookies,” are from the website you directly visit. They keep track of your preferences and settings, making your experience better. The other type, the third-party cookies, come from elsewhere, like advertisers. These cookies track what you do on the internet to create a profile about you. Then, they show you ads based on this profile.
How Do Third-Party Cookies Work?
Let’s say you visit an online store for the first time. You’ll get cookies from that store, storing information like what you’ve looked at or put in your cart. But if there are ads from another company on that website, they also leave a cookie. This cookie tracks what you’re doing on the site too.
Later, when you’re on another website or checking your email, you might see ads for the same products you were looking at. These ads are based on what those cookies remember about your interests.
What Data Do They Collect?
These cookies collect different things, like your age, gender, which websites you visit, and how long you spend there. They use this information to make a profile about you and then show you ads that match your interests.
Some people worry about these cookies because they track a lot of what you do online. That’s why some companies and internet browsers are stopping these cookies to give people more privacy.
Google’s next step toward phasing out third-party cookies in Chrome
Google plans to introduce a new feature called “Tracking Protection” in January. This feature will affect about 1% of Chrome users around the world.
What’s Happening and Why Does It Matter?
This feature will limit the use of third-party cookies by default. If your website relies on these cookies, it could create some challenges. Google aims to completely stop using third-party cookies for everyone by the middle of 2024 as part of its Privacy Sandbox initiative. But this decision still depends on sorting out competition concerns raised by the UK’s Competition and Markets Authority.
Who’s Affected and What to Expect?
For now, Google is testing this feature on a small group of Chrome users. If you’re part of this group, you’ll see notifications when you open Chrome in January.
Possible Problems and Google’s Response
Some websites depend on third-party cookies. If these sites have issues because of the new Tracking Protection, Chrome will let users temporarily enable these cookies by clicking an eye icon in the address bar.
What Google is Saying?
According to Google, third-party cookies have been around for a long time, helping websites with various online experiences like logging in or showing relevant ads. With Tracking Protection, they’re starting with a small group to help developers prepare for a web without these cookies.
About Google’s Privacy Sandbox Initiative
The Privacy Sandbox initiative aims to create technology that balances online privacy while giving companies tools to build successful digital businesses. Its main goals are to stop using third-party cookies once new solutions are ready and to reduce tracking across different sites and apps while keeping online content and services free for everyone.
Get ready for an exciting shift in your Chrome experience! Google is taking a groundbreaking leap by gradually bidding farewell to third-party cookies.